Espetáculo brasileiro!
Com de Neymar, a @CBF goleou a #Bolivia por 5-1 na estreia das #EliminatoriasSulAmericanas.
¡Espectaculo brasileño! Con goles de Neymar, #Brasil goleó a Bolivia
por 5-1 en el inicio de las #EliminatoriasSudamericanas.
#AcrediteSempre | #CreeEnGrande
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Camisetas Lisboa Acheter des centaines de maillots d’équipe à prix d’usine, la livraison est gratuite à partir de 2 articles achetés. Psg, Real Madrid, Barcelone
বাঙালি ভাই

গোল টা খুব সুন্দর হয়ছে
নেইমার সাপোর্টার
Grande Neymar!

seria mas vergonzoso el 7-1
호드리구 세레머니 개간지네 ㄷ ㄷ
নেই মা'র সবার বাপ
জাতীয় সংখিত
no matter how many warm up matches brazil gets they somehow always choke in big time moments against big team with this new generation
Guatimalteco Nuria rosa Javito emiliana lucito pequeñarras fernan poker parrito Paulino Rodolfo
Bolivia nivel muy bajo
Venezuela contra Brasil tengo fe
vamos Vinotinto
Hubieran llegando el 10-1 pero les falto tiempo para poder darles la palisa de su vida
Diniz was cookin !

Neymar basically created the goal agaisnt Croatia. The rest of the team didn't help to secure the result and were too greedy. And still, Neymar gets the hate. Go figure. Great player. Really unlucky, he doesn't deserve the hate he gets at all.
A brasil,hay que poblarle el medio campo,y chao brasíl,a si de simpre
Vamos a ver qué puede hacer Brasil cuando se enfrente a Venezuela

Argentina le gano 3-0
a esa bolivia
Bolivia tiene un buen arquero, pero su equipo no pasa nada… el arqueto tampoco va a jugar solo xd
La defensa de bolivia es un desastres…
Jesucristo Reynas
Ellos Sueñan y no Hacen sus Sueños realidad
Plus 1=6
Spanish Lawyer: Organ Harvesting Is a Form of Genocide
Carlos Iglesias Jiménez, a Spanish lawyer who represented Falun Gong practitioners in their lawsuit against former CCP leader Jiang Zemin, said in his remarks that the live organ harvesting atrocity is unprecedented. “We are dealing with a crime that is unprecedented, truly brutally designed and intended to kill, while generating huge amounts of profit,” he explained, “The Communist dictatorship has not only restricted and eliminated the individual and collective freedoms of the Chinese people over the decades, but has especially exacerbated faith-based persecution.”
He emphasized that there are three distinctive features of the CCP's organ harvesting crime. First, the CCP aims to physically eliminate people with spiritual beliefs, especially millions of Falun Gong practitioners, and live organ harvesting has the nature of mass extermination. Secondly, the regime did so to rake in profits for its corrupt officials. Thirdly, the CCP directly promoted through propaganda that the Chinese transplant system is efficient, advanced, and successful, thus deceiving the international community and covering up the crime.
Jiménez stressed that these atrocities cannot be condoned or ignored, and they must be punished. Unfortunately, as of today, Western governments have yet to step forward to strongly condemn live organ harvesting and confront the CCP dictatorship.
The CCP has infiltrated international organizations such as the UN Human Rights Council, the World Health Organization, and the United Nations, Jiménez explained. This allowed the regime to cover up its crimes and silence Western governments, international agencies and organizations.
The general public plays a critical role in this process. “What makes us different and at the same time unites us as human beings, is to have our own union and certain values: respect for life; respect for beliefs; respect for freedom,” he continued, “These terrible crimes cannot be tolerated, and appeal is made to people to ask for an end to this. Enough with the crime of forced organ removal! Justice must be done for the victims!”
“The CCP dictatorship moves very well, over by buying people's will, or by bribing people’s will, or by threatening people’s will. And it can do that with a small group, but I cannot do that with millions of people, who are the brave ones who must speak out,” Jiménez added, “Justice, in the future, will not only judge those who are guilty of these crimes, but also all those people whose complicit silence has facilitated, made it possible for all these atrocities to take place, will have to answer to justice.”
Forca Brazil
Nous solids
نيمار النصاب يقول مصاب وهو مثل ابليس مع منتخب بلاده
Rodrygo goes! Hala Madrid!!!
After the 3rd goal there should be no celebration, thats will now be an overkill
que le pasa a Bolivia ? eran competitivos y duros hace unon años .. soy Colombiano y no se porque se apagan de esta manera lo mismo que Paraguay han estado en caida por ya mucho tiempo de lo que eran (buenos tiros de afuera, buena defense y garra como la de Chile)
Belum pernah juara piala funia ketika ada nymar
Quando chega na copa do mundo o Brasil só passa vergonha . Da até raiva